Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 11, 2019

Hard to believe that I keep forgetting to write to my blog. Oops
I've not been doing much crafting here of late. I've been looking at video's of things to make but just haven't been making any thing. Well, I did work on a card but I didn't finish it, yet.

Jerry's been making the meals so I've not been cooking either.

I've been trying to sort through and collect my paper craft items, but that's going to be taking me a while to get through all of it. I've been trying to set up a planner, but you know, you need to be able to see, to do that on paper. I can increase the font on the computer easier than I can use a magnifier on the paper.  

I did clean up in the bedroom, today. As much as I could anyway. I don't touch Jerry's stuff and if it's in my way, I just put it on top of his tubs or basket for him to sort out, later.  I counted the number of tubs stacked around the bedroom, and there are 10 of them Mostly clothes but a couple are filled with craft stuff and it's too hot to be dragging those out and going through them just to see what is in each tub. I plan on doing that when the weather isn't so stinking hot. Not that it's super hot, but I just can't handle too much heat right now for some reason. I usually don't have a problem with heat, but this year, it's telling on me a bit.  

I have gone back to Watching Liam, since the older kids are now back in school. August 5th, the first day back to school. seemed to come way to fast. 

I didn't get out into the World's Longest Yard Sale, this year.  Mostly because it threatened rain every day of it.  I didn't have to water my plants at all.
My Needle Biopsy was done before School started back and the results are good. no cancer. I will end up having to have the rest of the Thyroid removed at some point but not right away. We need to get insurance before I have that done, 

I've  yet to find a good place to get wet that isn't a public pool. Not that we have anything against a public pool, it's just we don't have the money to go to one. The banks along Coops Creek are too steep to get in and out of easily or we both would be in the shallow water there, Barney would be right in there with us, I'm sure. Rocky would stand on the bank and look at us like we were crazy and Macon would be okay, as long as we didn't splash him or force him into the water. 

The County Fair will be here soon and I still do not know this years' theme. I don't have anything to enter this year, but hope to be able to enter something next year. It would be nice to see what other's have made. last year there were a lot of quilts and pictures entered, Along with canned goods. 

The Senior Center suffered some flood damages this past spring, and had to close for a few days, while new carpet was put in. Now the "rules" have changed in there, and I feel like  the Seniors are not being treated like the Adults they are. Can't have coffee in a regular cup, it has to have a lid on it. Can't have Tea unless the cup or glass has a top that will seal. if you want soup, you ask one of the ladies, who work there, to get it for you, your not allowed to carry it across to your table because you "Might" spill some.  now, I can see doing that for a couple of the people who have some shaking, but not for everyone.  it's just gotten to where I just don't want to go, on those days I'm not watching Liam.  it's just  not how I think anyone over  60 should be treated. 
I don't see any crafts being worked on. one lady, who does some needlework, was chastised, for dropping some thread on the floor. it fell out of her bag, and she picked it up, but I guess not fast enough. someone was afraid it would tangle up in the vacuum cleaner.  All the painting  things are  gone, and I didn't see any of the Adult coloring books out while I was there. I like playing cards but there are times I would rather be doing something else and just listening to what is going on around me. Oh well.... maybe once the "new" is worn off the carpet it will get better.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination


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