Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 17, 2022 Easter

Today is Easter Sunday.
I didn't do any decorating for this holiday, this year.  I put up two "Flower" posters but they are not strictly Easter. Just flowers. We had Dinner at Heathers. Ham, which I brought a lot of home with me, since they do not eat left-overs and there was a lot of ha left on the bone, and I got the bone as well, for a pot of beans I want to make on Tuesday. We colored eggs last night, at her house. 
WE got the Greenhouse put together and put in it's place by the house, but I may move it to the back later. I filled 36 plastic cups with some potting  soil and seed starter mix, and planted some seeds into each cup. They are now in the Greenhouse, sitting in my wagon, waiting to be put on the shelfs. That is my plan to work in in the morning. watering, checks and setting on the shelves. 
After Dinner, just before we left Heather's home. She wanted to know more about the community garden. She wants to help me get the set up and see what she can learn to grown, and she would like to see each box filled. I told her one of the main things we need right now. is filler and soils to plant in. Each box has very little left in them. A lot of soil is needed. She may know someone who can help with that. And no only wants to grow but what we don't need donate to the food bank and, and anything I grow, I want to donate  to the Senior Center.  There are w few more seeds to buy. Onion and zucchini are what I remember she put on the list. She said corn and I an mot adverse to growing corn, but we need some land tilled in order to do that. maybe some potatoes as well. 
I found a small electric tiller that runs off of a battery that is reasonable priced and I am trying to talk Jerry into buying it for me.  Heather mentioned that Mother's day is only three weeks away. So, maybe I will get it for that day.  
It took me two years, but I got the large sind chime restrung. I lost the tound stricker from it, ut the sind paddle has been working just fine for stricking the chimes on it.  I never did get the cards made, but I have that on my list to make later and can give them out, next year.

Billie C.

 I Live in Tennessee.
Garden zone 7b

Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15, 2022

It's been a week and it's not over, yet.

We had some windy and heavy rains, and I have forgotten which evening that was. Tuesday, I think.
Jerry had a Heart doctor's appointment on Monday. A couple of med changes. But his heart sounds good and the blood tests look good as well. He has a Ultra sound on Monday, and then another visit with the Cardiologist.  He is still retaining water, so he's on more diuretics. I am thinking that is why his back has been hurting the last few days, It maybe rough on his kidneys. That is one of the questions he is going to ask.

Tuesday, besides the storms, was un-eventful. I started putting the Greenhouse together We got it about half way done and had to stop for the evening. I was getting cold and tired and the weather was not looking good either. We had rain,, just not as much as we had the night before. 
Wednesday, Senior Center, and two new people came in and Dell joined in the Rummy game.  And stayed after lunch to play some more. His daughter joined in putting puzzles together and we may have talked her into joining the card games as well. I was too sore from working on the Greenhouse to work on it so it had to sit for a while. I moved it around to the side of the house to get it out of the way.
Thursday, We finished the Greenhouse. I could do all but the peak of the thing. I am just too short and I can not raise my left arm that high, any more. We left it in the front yard over-night. Weighted the bottom poles of it with rocks to keep the wind from taking off with it.
Today (Friday) Jerry had a different Doctor's appointment, for a shot in his eye. These shots are going to be for the rest of his life. I rode with him, this time. He usually has SETHRA take him, but since it is Good Friday, they are not working outside of Dialysis and Cancer treatment people. So we had to drive in. When we got back and rested a ew minutes,  Jerry fixed one of Heather's push mowers, and then used it to mow where I am keeping the greenhouse, After moving it. I was trying to string a wind chime when he started asking me where it was going. I dropped what I was doing, and not gracefully, but we had it out, and cooled off. then I Moved it where I wanted it. Then he had to move it back out, and mow some more, then put it back. I cut some plastic cups in half. to use for seed starting cups. I cut 36 of them enough for 3 trays worth. the trays are really the tops off of some Deli trays or cake trays from the store and each one holds 12. I planted a few of each of the seeds I have. I still have 6 packets to get a few seeds from and see if the will sprout or not.  I did this, on the porch and put the trays in my folding wagon, to make it easier to get them from the porch to the greenhouse. We were taking Heather's mower back to her, so I just parked the wagon in the greenhouse and will put the trays on the shelves in the morning.

tomorrow, we are going to be busy. In the morning we are helping doing some cleaning of the building where the HAM Radio club has it's quarterly meets.  Just before Noon, He is taking me to the community gardens and I will stay there for about an hour. The weather is getting better, so who knows if we are going to get anyone to show up or are they all going to Easter Egg hunts.  There is a Garden information meeting at the Building the Senior Center is in, but I am not going to it, this time. Unless we get finished quickly at the Gardens. Then I might consider going to that.  Baily has to work until 4. So we will go up to Heather's around 6 to color eggs with her family. We all have lots of fun doing that together each year. Sunday, we will spend most of the day at her home,  If Jerry's legs get to hurting him too much, we will come home early.

Billie C.

 I Live in Tennessee.
Garden zone 7b

Friday, April 1, 2022

video on rose cuttings in water

I got some rose cuttings from around the Senior Center and have put them in water, in hopes of making rose bushes.  I am trying the way it was done in this video

It is NOT my fideo.

Billie C.

 I Live in Tennessee.
Garden zone 7b